Wednesday, October 17, 2012


    The Yuma Myotis start feeding around Dusk and usally finsh TWO hours after sunset. Most of the time the feed around water. And they use their mouths to catch prey or they use their tali membrane as a pouch which snare larger prey.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

                                    Some RANDOM pictures of the Yuma Myotis

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

    This a picture of the Yuma Myotis sleeping in there home!!!:)

                                         These are some of the things the Yuma Myotis eats!!

Monday, October 1, 2012

   The Yuma Myotis Latin name is Myotis Yumanensis 
Pronunciation for the Latin name: My-oh-tis You-ma-nen-sis 
 The family name for the Yuma Myotis is Vespertilionidae 

This is a map of where the Yuma Myotis live the yellow dots show exactly where there at.